The complexity of FUE hair transplants with Afro- Hair
According to global statistics, about 50% of women and 60 per cent of men suffer from irreversible hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. These hair loss types are semi-natural processes that are only temporarily preventable with the help of medications.
At this time in the cosmetic industry, hair transplant is the only available treatment for combating irreversible hair loss or androgenetic alopecia. Since the last decade, there was an introduction of a new hair transplant technique as FUE (follicular unit extraction) for hair transplant.
Afro hair requires a more complex and precise FUE hair transplant procedure than those performed on straight hair. Therefore always choose a qualified surgeon for FUE hair transplant.
Complexities of FUE transplant with afro hair:
Although FUE transplant is the best option for the treatment of afro hair, in case of mishandling, it can lead to worse conditions than before. FUE transplant is a surgical procedure that requires serious medical care and surgical techniques for completion. There is a need for expertise and knowledge for conducting an FUE transplant procedure.
General complications:
• Anaesthesia reactions
• Bleeding
• Syncope
• Pain
• Tachycardia
• Infection
• Itching
• Oedema
• Patient dissatisfaction
Procedure cost and fee:
FUE procedure's cost depends upon the total hair follicles or hair grafts for an individual with afro hair. The cost of the procedure can vary from one individual to another.
There are a lot of factors that contribute to the cost determination of the procedure as:
• Choice of surgeon/doctor
• Choice of procedure or method for hair transplantation
• Other expenses ranging from pre-op preparations to post-op requirements
Complications of the donor area:
The most common complications of donor area are:
• Post-op, persistent pain
• Extrusion of sutures
• Necrosis or dehiscence of wounds
• Folliculitis, infection, and bleeding
• Arteriovenous fistula
• Hypertrophic or keloid scar
• Hiccups
• Buried grafts
• Overharvesting on the site
• Epithelial cyst
• Pinpoint scarring or hypopigmentation
• Acute effluvium
Transected or fragile grafts:
FUE grafts tend to be weaker or more fragile than the grafts during other types of transplants. These grafts include hair bulbs, hair follicles, and surrounding tissues and these grafts contain less fat and protective dermis. Another complexity of the FUE procedure is its blind harvesting.
This aspect can lead to loss of some hair due to:
• Transection of hair
• Cutting of a hair strand above the bulb level
However, there is a technique as ARTAS (robotic technology), which can reduce the chances of graft damage or misalignment. But this procedure makes the FUE transplant a bit more expensive process for hair transplantation.
Donor area:
The typical area for donation in FUE is larger than other transplantation techniques. Your surgeon may look into the hair available over your side, lower, and upper portions of the scalp for the FUE grafts.
Additionally, you have to shave all of your scalp areas to continue the FUE procedure.
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) technique is the hair transplantation technique, which is in use for the last decade. There is a good prognosis of this technique, but there are a few associated complexities with this procedure. Before opting for a procedure, look into all the available treatment options and always choose a well-reputed clinic for hair transplants.